Elder Scrolls (a tribute to the beloved childhood game) is a free Volunteer Management System (VMS) that streamlines the coordination of volunteers and befriendees. It is designed to combat loneliness among the elderly in Singapore. Developed for elderly care organizations in Singapore, it centralizes tasks with main features including volunteer and befriendee management and event log management.
Elder Scrolls is crafted with volunteer managers, and organizers involved in elderly befriending initiatives in mind. Whether you are managing volunteers for elderly care, community outreach, or other social services, Elder Scrolls offers a comprehensive solution for you to simplify and enhance your volunteer management efforts.
- Project Releasehttps://github.com/AY2324S2-CS2103T-T09-3/tp/releases
- Project Websitehttps://ay2324s2-cs2103t-t09-3.github.io/tp/
- User Guidehttps://ay2324s2-cs2103t-t09-3.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html
- PlatformWindows, MacOS
- Stack JavaFX, Jackson, JUnit5