
Sunrise & Sunset 2024

Sunrise & Sunset is your ultimate companion for tracking sunrise and sunset times based on your location. Whether you are planning a morning jog, an evening walk, or just want to stay in sync with nature's rhythm, this app provides accurate and timely information.

It encourages users to have better management of their time throughout the day by giving a visual representation of the day's progress. I often go out for evening jogs, so this app really helps me plan my runs around the sunset timings, before last light. At the same time, it is also really useful when traveling, as it can help you plan your day around the sunlight in a foreign country.

The application is a personal passion project, developed in Flutter to expand mobile development skills, while also providing a useful tool for users. It includes 14 days of rigorous closed testing to ensure functionality and reliability, as a requirement to publish on the Google Play Store. Download it now to try it out!

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