
The MarkBind project is developed in a (MarkBind/markbind) of 4 packages:

  • The core library, which parses and processes MarkBind's various syntaxes, resides in the packages/core/ directory.

  • The command-line interface (CLI) application, which accepts commands from users and then uses the core library to parse and generate web pages, resides in the packages/cli/ directory.

  • The core web library, which contains a generated web bundle from various setup scripts and the UI components library, resides in packages/core-web/.

  • The UI components library, which MarkBind authors can use to create content with complex and interactive structure, resides in the packages/vue-components/ directory.

    Stack used: Node.js, Vue.js

MarkBind core library

The core library mainly houses:

  • Functions and libraries used to parse and process MarkBind into usable output are stored in src. The architecture described in Architecture is contained here. A brief rundown of what it includes:

    • Various key functionalities in processing MarkBind syntax into valid HTML output, stored in html. The other part of the content processing flow is found in variables, which manages site variables and facilitates the Nunjucks calls.

    • Page files generate a single page of the site, and are managed by the Site instance. Site uses the Page model's interface to generate pages, and performs various other utility-like functions related to site generation such as copying of external assets into the output folder.

    • Layout holds the files relating to the layout of the site and are managed by LayoutManager. Similarly, External files, which are separate output files to be loaded dynamically and on-demand, are managed by a ExternalManager instance.

    • Various libraries (contained in lib) and plugins (in plugins) are also stored here. Some external libraries have also been amended to suit MarkBind's purpose – see patches.

  • MarkBind's templates templates, used in the markbind init command.

  • Unit Tests (though there are more unit tests and functional tests in the cli library)

The key external libraries used are:

  • markdown-it, which does the Markdown parsing and rendering. There are also several customized markdown-it plugins used in MarkBind, which are located inside the src/lib/markdown-it/ directory.

    • Several markdown-it plugins are installed to enhance the existing Markdown syntax. They can be found in src/package.json. Some of them are patched in the src/lib/markdown-it/patches/ directory to fit MarkBind's needs.

    • Additionally, there are some markdown-it plugins in the src/lib/markdown-it/plugins/ directory (either forked, modified or written to enhance existing functionalities).

  • htmlparser2, a speedy and forgiving HTML parser which exposes a DOM-like object structure to work on. To comply with the markdown spec, and our custom requirements, src/patches/htmlparser2.js patches various behaviours of this library.

  • cheerio, which is a node.js equivalent of jQuery. Cheerio uses htmlparser2 to parse the HTML as well, hence our patches propagate here.

  • Nunjucks, which is a JavaScript templating engine. Nunjucks is used to support our variable system to help with reusing small bits of code in multiple places. The package is patched and stored in src/patches/nunjucks to make it compatible with other MarkBind syntax processing steps.

MarkBind CLI

The CLI application uses and further builds on the interface exposed by the core library's Site model to provide functionalities for the author, such as markbind serve which initiates a live reload workflow.

The key external libraries used are:

  • commander.js, which is a node.js CLI framework.

  • live-server, which is a simple web server for local development and preview of a MarkBind site. The package is patched and stored in src/lib/live-server with our custom fine tuning.

MarkBind core-web library

This package houses the various frontend assets used in the core package.

Some external assets included are Vue.js, Bootstrap bundles, and FontAwesome bundles.

Internal bundles are also present, generated from setup scripts, custom stylesheets and the UI components library.

UI components library

This package consists of a mix of Bootstrap and proprietary components rewritten in Vue.js based on our needs for educational websites.

We forked it from the original yuche/vue-strap repo into the MarkBind/vue-strap repo, and then later merged it into the main MarkBind/markbind repo.


This page provides an overview of the MarkBind's architecture.

MarkBind Architecture Diagram

The above diagram shows the key classes and in MarkBind. You may note the following from these:

Key classes

The 3 key classes representing different types of content are as follows:

  1. Page — a page, as specified by the user in their various site configuration glob or src properties. These are directly managed by the Site instance.
  2. Layout — a single layout file, as contained in the _markbind/layouts folder, collectively managed by LayoutManager.

Note that Layout instances do not generate any output files directly, but rather, they store intermediate processing results to be used in a Page.

  1. External — source files referenced in a Page, Layout or even another External that result in a output file. These output files are loaded dynamically and on-demand in the browser. These instances are managed by a single ExternalManager instance.

For example, the file referenced by a <panel src=""> generates a separate xx._include_.html, which is requested and loaded only when the panel is expanded.

Content processing flow

Every Page, Layout and External follows the same overall content processing flow, that is:

Nunjucks Markdown Html

Note that generation of Externals (e.g. <panel src="...">) do not fall within the content processing flow where they are referenced. These are only flagged for generation, and then processed by ExternalManager after, in another similar content processing flow within an External instance.


This simple three stage flow provides a simple, predictable content processing flow for the user, and removes several other development concerns:

  1. As the templating language of choice, Nunjucks is always processed first, allowing its templating capabilities to be used to the full extent. Its syntax is also the most compatible and independent of the other stages.

  2. Secondly, Markdown is rendered before HTML, which produces more HTML. This also allows core Markdown features (e.g. code blocks) and Markdown plugins with eccentric syntaxes to be used without having to patch the HTML parser.

  3. Having processed possibly conflicting Nunjucks and Markdown syntax, HTML is then processed last.

How MarkBind Works

A summary from senior CS3281-2024

MarkBind Rendering Flow

The rendering flow for creating a complete website from Markdown using MarkBind involves several key components and processes:

1. Site Initialization

  • The rendering process starts with the initialization of a Site instance in Site/index.ts.
  • The Site constructor sets up the necessary paths, templates, and initializes various managers and processors.

2. Site Configuration

  • The readSiteConfig method in Site/index.ts reads the site configuration file (site.json) using the SiteConfig class.
  • The site configuration includes settings such as base URL, page configuration, asset paths, and more.

3. Page Collection

  • The collectAddressablePages method in Site/index.ts collects the addressable pages based on the site configuration.
  • It processes the pages and pagesExclude options to determine the valid pages.

4. Plugin Setup

  • The PluginManager class in plugins/PluginManager.ts handles the initialization and management of plugins.
  • It collects the specified plugins from the site configuration and loads them using the Plugin class.

5. Asset Building

  • The buildAssets method in Site/index.ts builds the necessary assets for the site.
  • It copies the specified assets from the site's root path to the output path.

6. Markdown Processing

  • The generatePages method in Site/index.ts initiates the rendering process for each page.
  • It creates a Page instance for each page using the createPage method.
  • The Page class in Page/index.ts handles the rendering of individual pages.
  • It uses the process method of the NodeProcessor class to process the Markdown content.

7. Plugin Execution

  • During the page rendering process, the PluginManager executes the relevant hooks for each plugin.
  • Plugins can define hooks such as beforeSiteGenerate, processNode, postRender, etc., to modify the page content or perform additional tasks.

8. Layout and Template Rendering

  • The LayoutManager class in Layout/LayoutManager.ts handles the generation and combination of layouts with pages.
  • It uses the Layout class to process and render the layout files.
  • The rendered pages are then passed through the VariableProcessor to replace variables with their corresponding values.

9. Post-rendering Tasks

  • After rendering, additional tasks such as writing site data and copying core web assets are performed.

10. Output Generation

  • Finally, the rendered pages and assets are written to the output directory specified during site initialization.

Vue.js Integration in MarkBind

MarkBind integrates Vue.js for building user interfaces and enhancing the rendering process. Here's how Vue.js is used in MarkBind:

1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

  • MarkBind utilizes Vue's server-side rendering capabilities to pre-render the pages on the server.
  • The pageVueServerRenderer module in Page/PageVueServerRenderer.ts handles the compilation of Vue pages and the creation of render functions.

2. Client-Side Hydration

  • After the initial server-side rendering, the rendered HTML is sent to the client.
  • On the client-side, Vue takes over and hydrates the pre-rendered HTML, making it interactive and reactive.

3. Vue Components

  • MarkBind defines various Vue components to encapsulate reusable UI elements and functionality.
  • These components are used throughout the rendered pages to enhance the user experience.

4. Integration with MarkBind Plugins

  • MarkBind plugins can also utilize Vue.js to extend the functionality of the application.
  • Plugins can define custom Vue components, directives, and hooks to interact with the rendering process.

Build Process and Asset Management

MarkBind follows a build process to generate the final website and manage the necessary assets:

1. Asset Building

  • The buildAssets method in Site/index.ts handles the building of assets for the site.
  • It copies the specified assets from the site's root path to the output path.

2. Core Web Assets

  • MarkBind relies on core web assets such as CSS and JavaScript files.
  • The copyCoreWebAsset method in Site/index.ts copies these assets from the @markbind/core-web package to the output directory.

3. Plugin Assets

  • Plugins can also provide their own assets, such as CSS and JavaScript files.
  • The PluginManager handles the collection and copying of plugin assets to the output directory.

4. Icon Assets

  • MarkBind supports various icon libraries, including:
    • Font Awesome
    • Glyphicons
    • Octicons
    • Material Icons
  • The following methods in Site/index.ts handle the copying of these assets:
    • copyFontAwesomeAsset
    • copyOcticonsAsset
    • copyMaterialIconsAsset

5. Bootstrap Theme

  • MarkBind allows customization of the Bootstrap theme used in the site.
  • The copyBootstrapTheme method in Site/index.ts handles the copying of the selected Bootstrap theme to the output directory.